

Bylaws, Adopted May 10, 2012
Amended July 19, 2018
The name of this organization shall be the Jackson County Democratic Committee hereinafter to be referred to as the “Committee.” All members, officers, and subdivisions of the committee are subject to these Bylaws and to the Charter and Bylaws of the State Committee of the Democratic Party of Georgia hereinafter referred to as the “State Committee.”

Governing Authority and Duties

2.1    The Committee shall be the governing authority of the Democratic Party in Jackson County.
2.2    Duties of the Committee shall be:
●    To promote a positive image of the Democratic Party in the local community,
●    To promote the development of Party organizations and activities,
●    To seek and encourage qualified candidates for public office,
●    To support Democratic nominees,
●    To perform such primary and election functions as required by law,
●    To maintain appropriate records,
●    To promote and add logistical support to the State Affirmative Action Program,
●    To perform such other duties as may be required by the State Committee,
●    To elect State Committee members,
●    To determine Party Districts and Apportionment, and
●    To raise funds for the above purposes

Membership, Committee Districts, and Election of Members
3.1 Any person over the age of 18, who resides in and is registered to vote in Jackson County, and who shall declare himself or herself to be a member of the Democratic Party, shall be entitled to membership in the Democratic Party Jackson County.
3.2 Any member of the Jackson County Democratic Party is eligible to be elected to the Committee.
3.3 The Committee shall have 4 districts coinciding with the County Voting Precincts, with no more than 8 members per precinct. Each Member shall be elected to a designate post (numbered 1 thru 8).
3.4 Election of Committee Members.
3.4.1 One half of the district committee posts (odd-numbered) shall be elected in Gubernatorial election years and one-half (even-numbered) shall be elected in Presidential election years.
3.4.2 Committee members are to be elected by Party District Caucus.
3.4.3 Such Caucus shall be held within 45 days following the General Primary. If the Committee does not officially set a time and place, the Congressional District Chair shall do so.   
3.4.4 The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected without the necessity of a run-off.
3.4.5 Public notice of the election shall be given by publishing the same in a newspaper of general circulation in the County at least two weeks preceding the election, by posting all information on the web, and by electronic communication to known Democrats in the County.
3.4.6 Only Jackson County Democratic Party members who reside in a particular County Voting Precinct may vote for a Member from that Precinct.
3.4.7 The County Committee Chair shall appoint chairs of Party District Caucuses.       
3.5 Members shall take office on the 1st day of the 1st month after their election, and shall serve for 4 years, unless affected by reapportionment.

3.6 Ex Officio Members.
3.6.1 Elected Democratic officials shall serve as ex-officio members of the Committee.

3.7 Dues shall be $20 per year. No member will be denied participation for failure to pay.

Officers and Executive Committee
4.1. The Committee shall elect officers no later than December 31 of even numbered years, to take office January 31 of the following year, or immediately following the election. whichever is earlier. The new Chair shall immediately upon taking office notify the State Committee Chair and appropriate Congressional District Chair of his/her election.
4.2. The Committee shall elect from its membership a Chair, Vice-Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer or Secretary/Treasurer combined position. When possible, the Chair and Vice-Chair shall be of the opposite gender. The Committee may from time to time expand the number of Vice-Chairs. The officer elections require a majority vote and are conducted by open ballot.   
4.3 Only County Committee members are eligible to vote for officers.
4.4 Officers shall serve 2-year terms.

4.5 The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and shall act on behalf of the Committee between Committee meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet monthly at least ten (10) days prior to the monthly party meeting at an established time and place for the purposes of collectively establishing and setting the agenda for the monthly Committee meeting and to conduct such other business as may be required.

4.6 The Executive Committee shall prepare a budget on an annual basis for approval by the County Committee no later than December 31. The budget shall include the anticipated receipts and expenses on a timeline. Approval by the County Committee is required for the budget and for any modifications to the budget during the calendar year.

Article V.
Duties of Officers

5.1 Chair: The Chair shall have over-all responsibility for the County Party affairs and shall be the official spokesperson for the Party subject to the provisions of the State Charter and these Bylaws and to such directives as may be given from time to time by the Executive Committee. The chair shall be the head of the County Committee and will preside at County Party and County Committee meetings. The Chair shall have the specific responsibility to formulate each year, with the Executive Committee, a Strategic Plan and a budget for the Party for that year and to present that plan for approval by the County Committee. The annual budget shall be divided into quarters based upon projected revenues and expenses. At the end each quarter the budget will be reviewed for adjustment based upon variations from predictions.

5.2 Secretary: The secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes at all County Party, County Committee and Executive Committee meetings and for presenting those minutes at the succeeding meetings of those respective groups. The secretary will maintain current membership rolls, records of all official correspondence and will oversee Publicity and Membership activities.

5.3 Treasurer: The treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining accurate up to date records of all expenditures and income to the party account and for depositing and disbursing funds in accordance with the budget and other approved expenditures. All funds received or dispersed must go through the County Party bank account. The treasurer will provide a written report such to the Committee at scheduled meetings and to the County Committee at quarterly meetings. The treasurer shall have authority to disburse budgeted funds to authorized members consistent with the approved budget and the receipt of funds consistent with projections. Any expenditure not included in annual budget requires full committee approval. The Treasurer shall provide receipts for all income and shall require and maintain receipts for all expenditures and provide open and transparent access to this information to Committee members. The Treasurer will be a member of the Finance Committee.

5.4 First Vice chair: The First Vice Chair shall act as Chair in the absence of the Chair and have the authority, powers and duties of the Chair. She/he shall ensure compliance with the State Party Charter and Bylaws; compliance and updating of County Bylaws; parliamentary procedure in all business conducted by the County Committee; and lead the fundraising effort.

5.5 Vice Chair for Field Activities shall be responsible for all outreach to the community in the form of canvassing, recruiting poll watchers, voter registration and contact, phone banking, campaign materials, GOTV, etc. This will include maintaining a strong community presence and increasing the positive visibility of the party.

5.6 Vice Chair (where possible) for Candidate Recruitment and Support will identify opportunities to recruit, develop and assist Democratic candidates for office.

5.7 Upon expiration of term, all officers will turn over all records and official documents to their successors. All funds will be audited prior to transfer of finances.

Article VI.
Vacancies and Removal

6.1 All vacancies in County Committee Posts or Officers shall be filled by the remaining Committee members, provided at least three such members remain.

6.2 County Committee members and officers may be removed by the County Committee for cause, with reasonable notice, and with the opportunity to be heard, by a 2/3 vote of the County Committee.

6.3 Any person subject to removal shall receive written notice of the alleged reasons for removal.

6.4 The removal procedure shall be conducted by a subcommittee appointed by the County Committee chair.  Where the Chair is the subject of the removal procedure, the subcommittee shall be appointed by the majority of the County Committee Officers.

6.5 The person removed shall have the right to be informed of all persons who will be witnesses against him/her and who will testify in support of the charges against him/her, at least 10 days before a hearing on said charges before the full County Committee,

6.6 The person removed shall have the right to counsel and to present all witnesses, documents and arguments in support of his/her position. The subcommittee which has tendered the charges may likewise have counsel and present witnesses, documents,
and arguments in support of its position.

Committee Functions, Records and Certification

7.1 The Committee shall maintain records of all financial transactions, kept on a calendar year basis, and a list of unpaid obligations. Financial records shall be reviewed by an independent reviewer each year with a report provided to the Committee no later than the March meeting following the end of the organization year. Reports of financial status will be made at each Executive Committee meeting and each County Committee meeting. An annual report will be submitted to the State Democratic Party and the State Ethics Commission where required.

7.2 All receipts and disbursements will go through the County Committee account. All expenditures will bear the signature of the Treasurer and one other authorized Executive Committee members. Every expenditure shall be accompanied by a voucher detailing expense amount, check number, authorization and purpose.

7.3 Three copies of the By-Laws and officer's names will be delivered to the County Clerk for stamp. One copy will remain with the Clerk, one with the County Party and one will be filed with the State Party.

Meetings and Voting
8.1. Regular Meetings. The Committee shall meet regularly at least once each quarter. The Committee Chair may calI special meetings. Where meetings are not held in a previously designated time and place, all members shall be provided written notice at least 10 days in advance.
8.2 If the Chair fails to call regular meetings of the County Committee, the Congressional District Chair shall call a meeting in the County for the purpose of reconstituting the County Committee.
8.3 The Chair may call special meetings at any time provided all members are given 10 days’ notice in advance.
8.4 Emergency Meetings.  Emergency meetings may be called by the Chair upon 5 days’ notice.
8.5. Quorum. A quorum for conduct of Committee business shall be 51% of the Members, unless otherwise required in these bylaws.
8.6. No person shall be entitled to more than one vote. Secret ballot shall be permissible only when electing Committee members and State Convention Delegates.   
8.7 All meetings of each body of the Committee shall be open to the public unless the Committee votes to go into Executive Session.
8.8 Unless otherwise provided for, Robert's Rules of Order most recently revised shall govern the conduct of all meetings.


9.1 The Committee shall provide for an Affirmative Action Subcommittee.
9.2 The Chair of the Committee may establish any other committees either deems necessary.


 General Provisions

10.1   There shall be no discrimination in the conduct of Committee affairs on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, color, handicap, national origin, or age.
10.2 The Committee, and affiliates, are prohibited from supporting a Democratic candidate who has opposition during a primary or Democratic opposition during a special election.
10.3 No Committee member shall use his or her office to support (1)  any Democratic candidate in a contested Democratic primary election or (2) any candidate who has Democratic opposition in a special election.
10.4 No Committee member shall publicly support another candidate other than the Democratic nominee in a General Election.
10.5 The endorsement of, support of, or contribution to a candidate of another party or to an opponent of the Democratic nominee may result in the expulsion of such person from the Committee.
10.6 Any contributions by the Committee to a candidate for public office shall be accompanied by a cover letter, which shall state in substance, "This contribution is made on the express condition that, after election, you remain a member of the Democratic Party. Your acceptance and/or use of this contribution is your acknowledgement and contact that should you win election yet at any time prior to the end of your term change parties or leave the Democratic Party, you will repay these amounts.”
10.7 The Committee shall seek reimbursement of any contribution, whether real or in-kind, made to a candidate who qualifies for office as a Democrat and, after qualification, switches to another party.
10.8 The Committee may recognize and allow affiliation of such county organizations as it deems appropriate.

11.1 These Bylaws may be amended at any Committee meeting by a 2/3 vote of those present, provided at least 30 days written notice of said amendments have been provided to alI members.

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